about us

Why VisitBKK.com

The idea with VisitBKK.com is to give you information about everyday life in Bangkok.

The city of Bangkok has this magical power to change who you are, even if you don’t live in here long-term and just came for a holiday, Bangkok has way of changing people. We wanted to give you the best start of your new life in Bangkok!


VisitBKK.com will propably not list the top 50 hotels in Bangkok or give you a list of the best restaurants in Bangkok.

What you can read on VisitBKK.com will be for an example, how to get a BTS Card, letting you know that you don’t pay any realtor fee, how to find a job in Bangkok and so on.

This is the start of your Bangkok Life

VisitBKK.com will become a great resource of information for anyone is looking to move to Bangkok or going to visit Bangkok for the first time.

We will add posts about what we and our readers think is important knowing before settling down in Bangkok. We hope that you will enjoy!

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